Well everyone, it is the end of the camping year, and that brings a lot of work with it. Over the past 15 years, Jim Brewster and members of his waterski camp team have taken care of the physical labour associated with opening and closing camp. As Jim retires from the board, we need a new property manager, and a new team of volunteers. Jim will be helping this year, hopefully to teach new people how to close the camp. Here is a message from him:
"We are closing the camp on two days this year. We have all the normal closing tasks and clean up in addition to taking down the "lightning tree" and cutting it up, and removing the docks. The work day will be Saturday We will be there at 8 am and plan to leave at 4pm. All who come should wear boots and work clothes and bring work gloves. I provide lunch for people we know are coming to work for the day (I need to know by Friday morning). Thank you Wendy for your help getting people to take over the work at the camp. We have complied a fairly complete list of what is necessary to do year round." Write me on the Contact tab by the Thursday evening before the work day if you plan to attend, and I will let Jim know. I hope several of you are able to help in this concrete and important way! Update: The second work day has been cancelled as so much was accomplished on the first day! Thank you to everyone who attended.
March 2015
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